American Express Bluebird Dispute FAQs

American Express offers an American Express Bluebird prepaid  debit card with a maximum balance of $100,000, which is FDIC insured. It operates as a financial entity without any links from your bank accounts; it functions as a prepaid checking account where you receive deposits and make withdrawals and payments. It is reloadable and is an alternative to traditional bank accounts.  It is family-friendly and easy to use; you can open sub-accounts for your children aged 13 and above; and its use comes  with no transaction fees for all kinds of transaction types. 

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Like any other prepaid debit cards, there are instances where you receive your Statements of Accounts (SOA) enumerating  transactions and/or charges you cannot reconcile with your actual use of the card. The most common of these are the following:

  1. Unauthorized transactions.  These are debit card transactions that you have not actually made or have not not consented to be made. Most often these unauthorized transactions happen when you lose your debit card or you misplaced it and someone else takes hold of it and uses it for new transactions without your knowledge and consent. To prevent this occurrence, you must immediately report the loss of your debit card to American Express Bluebird and request the latter to close your account or to lock it so that no one charges any transactions on your account from the date of your notification of your loss of this card. Then, file your dispute.
  1. Fraudulent transactions. These transactions involve the use of your card without your knowledge, permission, and consent. It usually happens through card skimming or through theft of your physical card. Once someone uses your card fraudulently, money is immediately taken from your account. To prevent this from happening,  you must be more vigilant about revealing your card information to any one who asks for it or use your card at certain places where the possibility of skimming is more likely viable, e.g. gas stations, busy supermarkets, ATMs, among others. Likewise, you must arrange with American Express Bluebird the establishment of certain alert protocols where the latter notifies you of transactions on your card, which are out of the ordinary, e.g. huge cash withdrawals, expensive online purchases of merchandise and services, sudden and out of your usual  trend of physical purchases of goods and services, and the like. When you have identified these fraudulent transactions, notify American Express Bluebird immediately and file your dispute.
  1.  Billing errors. These are easy to spot when you are going through your daily purchases or when you carefully read your Statement of Account. These include errors or mistakes concerning the amount of your transaction, e.g.incorrect amounts or duplicate charges. Once identified, notify American Express Bluebird immediately and file your dispute.

How to Win a Dispute with American Express Bluebird

It is not uncommon to find charges on your American Express Bluebird card which you must dispute immediately. A dispute American Express Bluebird charge involves those which are unauthorized, fraudulent, or which contain mistakes on billing while a dispute American Express Bluebird transaction refers to the validity of  a particular charge on the debit card statement.

  1. Dispute on American Express Bluebird Charge/Transaction

While it is easy to file a dispute on charges or transactions made on your card, it may not be easy to prove that such an allegation is true. American Express Bluebird is a financial institution that is bound to protect the regularity and ordinariness  of its business dealings with you. All transactions and charges you make using its card are considered true and authentic and that you have exercised due diligence in all of these transactions. Hence, American Express Bluebird does not accept at face value your dispute transaction or dispute charge; it conducts a thorough investigation on the dispute submitted before it. It is also important that the prescriptive period for filing your dispute is fully observed and followed. 

These steps are important if you want to win a dispute.  

  1. Read the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA). EFTA is a federal law that provides consumers protection in the electronic transfer of funds, e.g. in the use of debit cards, ATMs, direct deposits, point-of-sale (POS), transfers using pay-by- phone, computers, automatic withdrawals from bank accounts, and pre-authorized withdrawals from savings or checking accounts. It also corrects transaction error and limits liability from lost or stolen debit or credit cards.
  1. Review American Express Bluebird transactions. Go through all your American Express Bluebird transactions regularly. Check the accuracy of  the date of transaction, amount, and merchant reference of these transactions. When possible, on an Excel sheet create a detailed matrix or tabular sheet which shows in detail  all your monthly transactions which includes the date of transaction, kind of transaction, amount, product or service, merchant, Office Receipt, and the like. This sheet is your monthly summary which when juxtaposed with the Statement of Account you can compare both and easily identify the transaction for dispute.
  1. Identification of unusual American Express Bluebird transactions. Using the monthly summary you made, identify the unauthorized or fraudulent charge or error in billing in your debit card statement.
  1. Evidence Presentation. Gather all necessary evidence to dispute American Express Bluebird charge, e.g. official receipt, transaction type, reference number, network reference number, date and time, amount, merchant, and the like.
  1. Contact American Express Bluebird. Call and talk to Bluebird Customer Service at 1-877-486-5990 for the Bluebird American Express Prepaid Debit Account concerning the unauthorized or fraudulent charge or the billing error on your American Express Bluebird within 60 days from the date of the transaction.  If you suspect fraud on your Bluebird Bank Account, immediately call 1-833-926-3922. Do not present your dispute online, an email, or through the mobile app you have downloaded on your device. 
  1. Precise Explanation. State clearly and precisely  the reason behind the dispute as either unauthorized, fraudulent, or error in billing. Make your explanation short, simple, and direct. State the situation and provide the information related to your dispute, such as the date and amount of the transaction, and the reason behind your dispute.  Avoid long winded discussions on the what ifs or your personal narrative of a similar situation with other prepaid cards. Stick to the point so that your dispute  can be resolved the soonest.
  1. Prescriptive Period. File your dispute within the reglementary period of 60 calendar days counted from the date of the Statement of Account on which the transaction or charge appeared to the actual filing of your dispute. Going beyond this 60-day period may render your dispute inoperative and moot.
  1. Dispute Procedure. Listen carefully to Bluebird Customer Service’s directions on the process of dispute charge on debit card. This process includes:
  1. Investigation. Within 10 business days, American Express Bluebird will investigate your dispute thoroughly alongside the evidence you presented. Then, it will contact the merchant and verify the credibility of the  transaction made.
  1. Required evidence. You must present these to aid your dispute: official receipt, transaction type, e.g.  online purchase or in-person purchase, reference number for the transaction, and network reference number if the transaction was made through a network, e.g. Visa or Mastercard.
  1. Additional evidence. When the dispute transaction requires additional evidence, you must provide the evidence as soon as possible. 
  1. While Waiting for Resolution. During the pendency of your dispute, American Express Bluebird may provisionally credit your account with the dispute amount within 10 business days from receipt of your dispute. However, if its investigation takes more than 10 business days and you have sent your dispute in writing, it will credit your account with the dispute amount.
  1. Resolution. After the completion of its investigation, American Express Bluebird will notify you of its resolution within three business days. If the dispute is resolved in your favor, the funds taken will be returned to your account. However, if it is denied, you need to pay the disputed amount.
  1. Follow directions. Meticulously follow each step in the process and attach all the necessary documentation to support your dispute.
  1. Recordkeeping. Keep a copy of all your documents and correspondence on the dispute which you filed with American Express Bluebird. 

B. Waiting Period of Disputes

Not all disputes can be settled immediately.  A few disputes require more time to investigate and to validate all evidence. These steps show you the linear flow of  a dispute process: receipt of filing, investigation, waiting period, and resolution.

  1. Receipt of filing. After receipt of your claim and all supporting evidence, American Express Bluebird investigates your dispute within 10 business days. The counting of business days commences on the date American Express Bluebird receives your dispute claim and evidence and not from the date of your filing of your dispute.
  1. Investigation. If the dispute requires more investigation and acceptance of more evidence or when there is difficulty connecting with the merchant subject of the dispute, it may take longer than 10 business days. American Express Bluebird will then notify you the reasons behind a longer time for  investigation and a longer waiting period.
  1. Waiting period. While you are waiting for a resolution of your dispute, you can still use your American Express Bluebird card. Considering that it is a prepaid debit card, you can continue to deposit cash  or checks or make payments  and purchases.
  1. Completion of investigation. When the investigation is completed, American Express Bluebird communicates to you the result of its investigation, its resolution, and its actions within three business days from the date of its resolution, e.g. adjustments or corrections of the charge to your account. 
  1. Resolution. Should the resolution be in your favor, it will credit you the dispute amount; however, if it denies your dispute, you will pay the dispute debit card charge.

C.  Status of the Dispute 

While your dispute  is pending investigation, American Express Bluebird  offers you the following services:

  1. Temporary/Provisional credit. During the process of investigation, American Express Bluebird will temporarily or provisionally credit the amount in dispute to your debit account and you can continue to access this amount. However, it may only do so when neither one of these instances occur:
  1. Improper conduct. During the investigation of your dispute transaction or dispute charge and American Express Bluebird has reasonable grounds to believe that you have participated in any unlawful or illegal acts in the use of your card related to the disputed amount, this provisional credit will not be given to you
  1. Insufficient information. You have not provided all material and relevant evidence to support the dispute; you merely rely on the inaccuracy of the Statement of Account concerning the disputed transaction or charge without presenting any evidence of this transaction, no provisional credit will be relayed to you.
  1. Dispute not covered. These disputes are not covered in American Express Bluebird cards: (i) disputes based on unlawful or dishonest schemes; (ii) disputes related to purchase protection, e.g. claims for reimbursement for theft, loss, or accidental damage to items within 90 days of purchase; and (iii) disputes related to monthly, annual, or overdraft fees.
  1. Delayed dispute. Failure to file your dispute within the 60 day period shall result in the denial of your dispute. This prescriptive period is a mandatory requirement for dispute claims and it must not be taken lightly.
  1. Issuance of refund. After its investigation and the resolution is favorable to you, American Express Bluebird issues a refund to your account of the amount of the dispute.
  1. Payment of dispute amount. If, however, after its investigation and American Express Bluebird denies your dispute, you will have to pay the disputed amount.

D.  Reasons for Denied American Express Bluebird Dispute

There are several reasons for the denial of your claim.  Review these reasons carefully  should you decide to go on appeal and rebut the ground of this denial.  The most common reasons are as follows:

  1. Incomplete authentic documentation. Review all your documentary evidence before attaching them to your claim in a dispute. All receipts  must contain the following: transaction type, reference number, network reference number, date and time, amount, and merchant’s name or merchant reference number
  1. Prescription. Review the terms and conditions as well as the guidelines and deadlines for disputes in your American Express Bluebird account. More specifically, review the contract which contains the prescriptive period for filing a dispute. Your failure to file your dispute within the given period will result in a denial of your dispute.
  1. Miscommunication. Use words that are specific and concrete to communicate your dispute.  Avoid verbosity, rather ground your claim using simple, specific, and clear words. Get to the point. Use short sentences; avoid long complicated and convoluted sentence structures that distract you from your main point.
  1. Prior agreement. Review the terms of your agreement with American Express Bluebird. Identify whether your dispute falls within the allowable grounds of a dispute in your contract with American Express Bluebird. If your dispute is non-contestable, do not file your claim.
  1. Non-contestable transactions. Certain transactions where you consented and gave your prior approval cannot be a ground for a dispute, e.g. sending your  security code -Personal Identification Number (PIN)- to verify your identity and to authorize the transaction to proceed.
  1. Fraudulent transactions. Review the laws on unlawful transactions in your state or country vis-a-vis  the specific transaction. Your unlawful or dishonest schemes using your American Express Bluebird account cannot be grounds to  dispute a debit card transaction, e.g. credit card theft, identity theft, money laundering (AMLA) through cash or check deposits, illegal business transactions, and the like. 

E. Common scams or frauds with American Express Bluebird 

These scams or frauds are usually associated with American Express Bluebird. It is advisable that you be familiar with any of these to ensure that you do not raise any of these in your dispute claim.

  1. Breach of contract. You must read all the fine prints of your contract with American Express Bluebird. You cannot claim ignorance of certain stipulations which you breached on account of the contract being a contract of adhesion because you read and signed this contract when you applied or requested and received the American Express Bluebird card. Be cognizant of all allowable grounds for dispute and refrain from citing a ground which your contract specifically states cannot be used against a dispute claim.
  1. Unsolicited debit cards. When you have not applied or requested an American Express Bluebird card and you receive one, you must immediately notify American Express Bluebird and cancel the said card. This is another method scammers and fraudsters use to gain access to your name and personal information to commit fraud and perform unauthorized transactions at your expense.
  1. Account closure. You may have given access to your personal information on your card to relatives, family, close friends, or colleagues at work. Without your knowledge and consent, they may use your card for unauthorized or fraudulent transactions at your expense. When you notice a purchase, payment, or withdrawal you did not make, contact American Express Bluebird and advise them to either close your account or to lock it so that no transaction pushes through from the date of your notification. 
  1. Delayed investigation. Be aware of the official duration of investigation that American Express Bluebird conducts on your dispute. A perceived delay of a resolution to your dispute may make you vulnerable to con artists or scammers who offer a speedier way to process your dispute. This, however, entails you to release confidential personal information about your card, which they may use to make unauthorized transactions using your card. 
  1. Phishing scams. Most scams come in the form of online communication or too-good-to-be-true advertisements, and money growth investments or pyramid schemes through social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, among others. Advertised products and services come at a very low price which engage you to click a link and urge you to reveal your debit card information to avail of these. Be vigilant and do not engage. American Express Bluebird will never ask you for your personal card data over the phone or through email; likewise it will not send links for you to click and send your personal data.

F.  Appeal Denied American Express Bluebird Dispute

American Express offers an American Express Bluebird prepaid  debit card with a maximum balance of $100,000, which is FDIC insured. It operates as a financial entity without any links from your bank accounts; it functions as a prepaid checking account where you receive deposits and make withdrawals and payments. It is reloadable and is an alternative to traditional bank accounts.  It is family-friendly and easy to use; you can open sub-accounts for your children aged 13 and above; and its use comes  with no transaction fees for all kinds of transaction types. 

Like any other prepaid debit cards, there are instances where you receive your Statements of Accounts (SOA) enumerating  transactions and/or charges you cannot reconcile with your actual use of the card. The most common of these are the following:

  1. Unauthorized transactions.  These are debit card transactions that you have not actually made or have not not consented to be made. Most often these unauthorized transactions happen when you lose your debit card or you misplaced it and someone else takes hold of it and uses it for new transactions without your knowledge and consent. To prevent this occurrence, you must immediately report the loss of your debit card to American Express Bluebird and request the latter to close your account or to lock it so that no one charges any transactions on your account from the date of your notification of your loss of this card. Then, file your dispute.
  1. Fraudulent transactions. These transactions involve the use of your card without your knowledge, permission, and consent. It usually happens through card skimming or through theft of your physical card. Once someone uses your card fraudulently, money is immediately taken from your account. To prevent this from happening,  you must be more vigilant about revealing your card information to any one who asks for it or use your card at certain places where the possibility of skimming is more likely viable, e.g. gas stations, busy supermarkets, ATMs, among others. Likewise, you must arrange with American Express Bluebird the establishment of certain alert protocols where the latter notifies you of transactions on your card, which are out of the ordinary, e.g. huge cash withdrawals, expensive online purchases of merchandise and services, sudden and out of your usual  trend of physical purchases of goods and services, and the like. When you have identified these fraudulent transactions, notify American Express Bluebird immediately and file your dispute.
  1.  Billing errors. These are easy to spot when you are going through your daily purchases or when you carefully read your Statement of Account. These include errors or mistakes concerning the amount of your transaction, e.g.incorrect amounts or duplicate charges. Once identified, notify American Express Bluebird immediately and file your dispute.

How to Win a Dispute with American Express Bluebird

It is not uncommon to find charges on your American Express Bluebird card which you must dispute immediately. A dispute American Express Bluebird charge involves those which are unauthorized, fraudulent, or which contain mistakes on billing while a dispute American Express Bluebird transaction refers to the validity of  a particular charge on the debit card statement.

  1. Dispute on American Express Bluebird Charge/Transaction

While it is easy to file a dispute on charges or transactions made on your card, it may not be easy to prove that such an allegation is true. American Express Bluebird is a financial institution that is bound to protect the regularity and ordinariness  of its business dealings with you. All transactions and charges you make using its card are considered true and authentic and that you have exercised due diligence in all of these transactions. Hence, American Express Bluebird does not accept at face value your dispute transaction or dispute charge; it conducts a thorough investigation on the dispute submitted before it. It is also important that the prescriptive period for filing your dispute is fully observed and followed. 

These steps are important if you want to win a dispute.  

  1. Read the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA). EFTA is a federal law that provides consumers protection in the electronic transfer of funds, e.g. in the use of debit cards, ATMs, direct deposits, point-of-sale (POS), transfers using pay-by- phone, computers, automatic withdrawals from bank accounts, and pre-authorized withdrawals from savings or checking accounts. It also corrects transaction error and limits liability from lost or stolen debit or credit cards.
  1. Review American Express Bluebird transactions. Go through all your American Express Bluebird transactions regularly. Check the accuracy of  the date of transaction, amount, and merchant reference of these transactions. When possible, on an Excel sheet create a detailed matrix or tabular sheet which shows in detail  all your monthly transactions which includes the date of transaction, kind of transaction, amount, product or service, merchant, Office Receipt, and the like. This sheet is your monthly summary which when juxtaposed with the Statement of Account you can compare both and easily identify the transaction for dispute.
  1. Identification of unusual American Express Bluebird transactions. Using the monthly summary you made, identify the unauthorized or fraudulent charge or error in billing in your debit card statement.
  1. Evidence Presentation. Gather all necessary evidence to dispute American Express Bluebird charge, e.g. official receipt, transaction type, reference number, network reference number, date and time, amount, merchant, and the like.
  1. Contact American Express Bluebird. Call and talk to Bluebird Customer Service at 1-877-486-5990 for the Bluebird American Express Prepaid Debit Account concerning the unauthorized or fraudulent charge or the billing error on your American Express Bluebird within 60 days from the date of the transaction.  If you suspect fraud on your Bluebird Bank Account, immediately call 1-833-926-3922. Do not present your dispute online, an email, or through the mobile app you have downloaded on your device. 
  1. Precise Explanation. State clearly and precisely  the reason behind the dispute as either unauthorized, fraudulent, or error in billing. Make your explanation short, simple, and direct. State the situation and provide the information related to your dispute, such as the date and amount of the transaction, and the reason behind your dispute.  Avoid long winded discussions on the what ifs or your personal narrative of a similar situation with other prepaid cards. Stick to the point so that your dispute  can be resolved the soonest.
  1. Prescriptive Period. File your dispute within the reglementary period of 60 calendar days counted from the date of the Statement of Account on which the transaction or charge appeared to the actual filing of your dispute. Going beyond this 60-day period may render your dispute inoperative and moot.
  1. Dispute Procedure. Listen carefully to Bluebird Customer Service’s directions on the process of dispute charge on debit card. This process includes:
  1. Investigation. Within 10 business days, American Express Bluebird will investigate your dispute thoroughly alongside the evidence you presented. Then, it will contact the merchant and verify the credibility of the  transaction made.
  1. Required evidence. You must present these to aid your dispute: official receipt, transaction type, e.g.  online purchase or in-person purchase, reference number for the transaction, and network reference number if the transaction was made through a network, e.g. Visa or Mastercard.
  1. Additional evidence. When the dispute transaction requires additional evidence, you must provide the evidence as soon as possible. 
  1. While Waiting for Resolution. During the pendency of your dispute, American Express Bluebird may provisionally credit your account with the dispute amount within 10 business days from receipt of your dispute. However, if its investigation takes more than 10 business days and you have sent your dispute in writing, it will credit your account with the dispute amount.
  1. Resolution. After the completion of its investigation, American Express Bluebird will notify you of its resolution within three business days. If the dispute is resolved in your favor, the funds taken will be returned to your account. However, if it is denied, you need to pay the disputed amount.
  1. Follow directions. Meticulously follow each step in the process and attach all the necessary documentation to support your dispute.
  1. Recordkeeping. Keep a copy of all your documents and correspondence on the dispute which you filed with American Express Bluebird. 

B. Waiting Period of Disputes

Not all disputes can be settled immediately.  A few disputes require more time to investigate and to validate all evidence. These steps show you the linear flow of  a dispute process: receipt of filing, investigation, waiting period, and resolution.

  1. Receipt of filing. After receipt of your claim and all supporting evidence, American Express Bluebird investigates your dispute within 10 business days. The counting of business days commences on the date American Express Bluebird receives your dispute claim and evidence and not from the date of your filing of your dispute.
  1. Investigation. If the dispute requires more investigation and acceptance of more evidence or when there is difficulty connecting with the merchant subject of the dispute, it may take longer than 10 business days. American Express Bluebird will then notify you the reasons behind a longer time for  investigation and a longer waiting period.
  1. Waiting period. While you are waiting for a resolution of your dispute, you can still use your American Express Bluebird card. Considering that it is a prepaid debit card, you can continue to deposit cash  or checks or make payments  and purchases.
  1. Completion of investigation. When the investigation is completed, American Express Bluebird communicates to you the result of its investigation, its resolution, and its actions within three business days from the date of its resolution, e.g. adjustments or corrections of the charge to your account. 
  1. Resolution. Should the resolution be in your favor, it will credit you the dispute amount; however, if it denies your dispute, you will pay the dispute debit card charge.

C.  Status of the Dispute 

While your dispute  is pending investigation, American Express Bluebird  offers you the following services:

  1. Temporary/Provisional credit. During the process of investigation, American Express Bluebird will temporarily or provisionally credit the amount in dispute to your debit account and you can continue to access this amount. However, it may only do so when neither one of these instances occur:
  1. Improper conduct. During the investigation of your dispute transaction or dispute charge and American Express Bluebird has reasonable grounds to believe that you have participated in any unlawful or illegal acts in the use of your card related to the disputed amount, this provisional credit will not be given to you
  1. Insufficient information. You have not provided all material and relevant evidence to support the dispute; you merely rely on the inaccuracy of the Statement of Account concerning the disputed transaction or charge without presenting any evidence of this transaction, no provisional credit will be relayed to you.
  1. Dispute not covered. These disputes are not covered in American Express Bluebird cards: (i) disputes based on unlawful or dishonest schemes; (ii) disputes related to purchase protection, e.g. claims for reimbursement for theft, loss, or accidental damage to items within 90 days of purchase; and (iii) disputes related to monthly, annual, or overdraft fees.
  1. Delayed dispute. Failure to file your dispute within the 60 day period shall result in the denial of your dispute. This prescriptive period is a mandatory requirement for dispute claims and it must not be taken lightly.
  1. Issuance of refund. After its investigation and the resolution is favorable to you, American Express Bluebird issues a refund to your account of the amount of the dispute.
  1. Payment of dispute amount. If, however, after its investigation and American Express Bluebird denies your dispute, you will have to pay the disputed amount.

D.  Reasons for Denied American Express Bluebird     Dispute

There are several reasons for the denial of your claim.  Review these reasons carefully  should you decide to go on appeal and rebut the ground of this denial.  The most common reasons are as follows:

  1. Incomplete authentic documentation. Review all your documentary evidence before attaching them to your claim in a dispute. All receipts  must contain the following: transaction type, reference number, network reference number, date and time, amount, and merchant’s name or merchant reference number
  1. Prescription. Review the terms and conditions as well as the guidelines and deadlines for disputes in your American Express Bluebird account. More specifically, review the contract which contains the prescriptive period for filing a dispute. Your failure to file your dispute within the given period will result in a denial of your dispute.
  1. Miscommunication. Use words that are specific and concrete to communicate your dispute.  Avoid verbosity, rather ground your claim using simple, specific, and clear words. Get to the point. Use short sentences; avoid long complicated and convoluted sentence structures that distract you from your main point.
  1. Prior agreement. Review the terms of your agreement with American Express Bluebird. Identify whether your dispute falls within the allowable grounds of a dispute in your contract with American Express Bluebird. If your dispute is non-contestable, do not file your claim.
  1. Non-contestable transactions. Certain transactions where you consented and gave your prior approval cannot be a ground for a dispute, e.g. sending your  security code -Personal Identification Number (PIN)- to verify your identity and to authorize the transaction to proceed.
  1. Fraudulent transactions. Review the laws on unlawful transactions in your state or country vis-a-vis  the specific transaction. Your unlawful or dishonest schemes using your American Express Bluebird account cannot be grounds to  dispute a debit card transaction, e.g. credit card theft, identity theft, money laundering (AMLA) through cash or check deposits, illegal business transactions, and the like. 

E. Common scams or frauds with American Express Bluebird 

These scams or frauds are usually associated with American Express Bluebird. It is advisable that you be familiar with any of these to ensure that you do not raise any of these in your dispute claim.

  1. Breach of contract. You must read all the fine prints of your contract with American Express Bluebird. You cannot claim ignorance of certain stipulations which you breached on account of the contract being a contract of adhesion because you read and signed this contract when you applied or requested and received the American Express Bluebird card. Be cognizant of all allowable grounds for dispute and refrain from citing a ground which your contract specifically states cannot be used against a dispute claim.
  1. Unsolicited debit cards. When you have not applied or requested an American Express Bluebird card and you receive one, you must immediately notify American Express Bluebird and cancel the said card. This is another method scammers and fraudsters use to gain access to your name and personal information to commit fraud and perform unauthorized transactions at your expense.
  1. Account closure. You may have given access to your personal information on your card to relatives, family, close friends, or colleagues at work. Without your knowledge and consent, they may use your card for unauthorized or fraudulent transactions at your expense. When you notice a purchase, payment, or withdrawal you did not make, contact American Express Bluebird and advise them to either close your account or to lock it so that no transaction pushes through from the date of your notification. 
  1. Delayed investigation. Be aware of the official duration of investigation that American Express Bluebird conducts on your dispute. A perceived delay of a resolution to your dispute may make you vulnerable to con artists or scammers who offer a speedier way to process your dispute. This, however, entails you to release confidential personal information about your card, which they may use to make unauthorized transactions using your card. 
  1. Phishing scams. Most scams come in the form of online communication or too-good-to-be-true advertisements, and money growth investments or pyramid schemes through social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, among others. Advertised products and services come at a very low price which engage you to click a link and urge you to reveal your debit card information to avail of these. Be vigilant and do not engage. American Express Bluebird will never ask you for your personal card data over the phone or through email; likewise it will not send links for you to click and send your personal data.

F.  Appeal Denied American Express Bluebird Dispute

The grounds for denial of dispute may be appealed. Here are the steps to follow in case you want to appeal an  American Express Bluebird resolution.

  1. Review the denial resolution. Read carefully the resolution of American Express Bluebird. Highlight the specific ground for its denial of your dispute. When you appeal against its unfavorable resolution, introduce new evidence and focus on highlighting the given evidence and its materiality and relevance to the dispute on appeal. Cite the relevant law to buttress your appeal.
  1. Identify the specifics of the denial.  Review the specifics of the denial. Juxtapose the specifics with the record of your documents. Identify the documents which are relevant and material, which you have communicated, to object the resolution of denial to the appeal.
  1. Contact American Express Bluebird. When you have with you a solid and concrete response to oppose the denial, contact immediately American Express Bluebird customer support. Inform them that you are appealing  the denied dispute resolution. Speak persuasively but do not argue. Oral arguments in a call make you emotional and belligerent. Stick to the facts and the details of your appeal.
  1. Follow the process of appeal.  American Express Bluebird customer support will send you the procedure to appeal. Follow carefully the steps of the process of appeal. When necessary or prompted, turn in all additional supporting details, documents, and other correspondence relevant and material to your appeal. Review the details and the documents and correspondence which you sent earlier in your dispute. Then discuss the new evidence you present.  
  1. Mediation or arbitration.  Review the policies of American Express Bluebird on mediation or arbitration services for appeal.  If it offers mediation or arbitration services, call American Express Bluebird support services and inform them that you want to avail of the services of mediation or arbitration to appeal the resolution. 
  1. Mediation is a voluntary process. It  involves a mediator, a neutral third party, to assist both parties to reach a mutually acceptable resolution and/or compromise agreement. However, the parties are not compelled to reach a resolution but are only highly encouraged to reach a mutual decision that benefits both parties to the dispute.
  1. An arbitration is a formal win or lose method of proceeding. It  requires the presence of an arbitrator to make a decision that binds both parties in the dispute.  Arbitration is similar to a court hearing where each party has legal representation and where evidentiary hearings are conducted. 
  1. Legal representation. Should a direct appeal or the mediation or arbitration services fail to provide a  favorable agreement, then you must seek legal representation. Consult a lawyer  who can assist you to communicate with consumer protection agencies or relevant regulatory bodies for assistance on your behalf. These regulatory bodies include but are not limited to  the following: 
  1. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) in the United States
  2. Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom
  3. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in Australia
  4. Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) in Canada
  5. European Banking Authority (EBA) in the European Union
  6. Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) in India
  7. Central Consumer Protection Council (CCPC) in India
  8. Consumer Protection Board (CPB) on Thailand
  9. Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) in Japan
  10. Consumer Protection Council (CPC) in Malaysia
  11. Consumer Protection Committee (CPC) in South Korea
  12. Consumer Protection Department (CPD) in Singapore
  13. Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) in Taiwan
  14. National Consumer Protection Agency (NCPA) in other countries
  1. Behavior during appeal. While you are waiting for the resolution of your appeal, remain patient and positive yet persistent, objective, and impartial. The process of appeal is long and tedious and the resolution is uncertain. Open your communications with American Express Bluebird; regularly check on the status of your appeal; and continue to use your American Express Bluebird card. 
  1. Use of social media platforms. Avoid using any social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Reddit, WhatsApp, and the like, to air your complaints, your comments, or the status of your appeal. Do not make the appeal process a trial by publicity; likewise do not expect American Express Bluebird to be swayed by public opinion or negative reactions. Use  the appropriate venue for your appeal.

Contact a Bluebird Dispute Lawyer Today

At the end of the day, sometimes you have no choice other than to hire a lawyer to take legal action against Bluebird. Contact the aggressive attorneys at today for a free consultation. We don’t charge unless you win.

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